تنزيل: Teeter Pro - labyrinth maze v2.13.0 MOD APK

تنزيل: Teeter Pro - labyrinth maze v2.13.0 MOD APK

تحديث في
Aug 15, 2023
نسخة التطبيق

استخدم HappyMod مع سرعة تنزيل أسرع

إصدارات تعديل أخرى

الإصدار: v2.12.0

معلومات وزارة الدفاع: 所有关卡都可玩.

حجم الملف: 7.14 MB

التحميلات: 2

الإصدار: v2.12.0

معلومات وزارة الدفاع: Teeter Pro is a labyrinth maze game that can control steel balls by tilting wooden maze.
At the end of each level, you must match the ball with the correct hole.
Enjoy this classic maze game that downloads more than 15 million times, play like professionals!
You can explore 120 levels for free, each maze is different.
The gameplay is challenging, and you can try your best skills in this maze game.
You can control the control board by an acceleration meter.
In each maze, you can find different obstacles, such as small walls, middle walls and large walls.
There are also rotating obstacles, you must be careful of them :) There are many fun for children and even adult players.
In the game, you can set time for each maze, and you will be able to compare your results with other players!
Try to defeat the time and get the shortest time.
-Prown with 120 different maze
-You can set time for each maze
-D exquisite graphics
-S small game scale
-Full -screen mode
-Himing and features regularly

حجم الملف: 6.61 MB

التحميلات: 2

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